Centering on work-in-progress and anecdotal presentations by artists, researchers, and practitioners in the field of television, this seminar investigates the premises of public service television as an experimental platform for filmmaking and artistic production.
What were the material conditions that made possible now canonized aesthetic and formal film and TV experiments of the past? What kind of imaginaries did the emergent field of television afford? How were these imaginaries different from those of more established institutions of filmmaking?
Seminar with: Andjeas Ejiksson (artist, filmmaker, translator, and postdoc at HDK-Valand, Gothenburg University, GU), Eva la Cour (visual artist and postdoc at Art as Forum, the Department for arts and cultural studies, Ucph) and Mia Edelgart (independent visual artist affiliated with Center for Practice-based Art Studies, Ucph), Nete Nørgaard Kristensen (Professor of Media Studies at the Department of Communication, Ucph).
The seminar is organized as a collaboration between by the Art as Forum research center and the Center for Practice-based Art Studies (both University of Copenhagen) in the context of Eva la Cour and Mia Edelgarts speculative collaboration with the Belgian tv-producer and filmmaker Jef Cornelis (1940–2018) and the forthcoming exhibition project at HEIRLOOM – Center for Art and Archives in 2024.